CHARTER DATE: September 28, 1994
The membership came up with the name "Spirit of Freedom". It went well with our number 76. It would also reflect upon the freedom gained from the 1776 Government of the King of England, who would not allow the "Second class citizens" of the Colonies to be considered equal to those living in England.
Our logo applies our Post number and name, showing who we are and what we stand for.
With this magnanimous donation of several hundred dollars, we were able to move forward with our endeavor. The design artist was given the following facts:
1. Our number and its reference to the 1776 era.
2. The Minute Man soldier with a rifle, representing the citizen, the veteran soldier, always ready to defend our country and protect our freedoms.
3. That we are members of the American Legion.
4. That we are a Nevada Post, the State should be represented as well as Las Vegas.
5. The designer included in his first draft, the State motto, "Battle Born."
6. We wanted 13 stars, to represent the original States. No matter how hard he tried, the artist could not do this one without the start looking like dots. We had to settle for 11 stars including the one marking the City of Las Vegas, for the representation. Since we began in the 9th month and have 11 stars - does that make us the first 9/11 Post?
Jack Ford:
Alternate NEC 2006-2011
Department Commander 2005-2006
Department 1st Vice 2004-2005
Department 2nd Vice 2003-2204
Department Sgt-at-Arms 2002-2003
Department Service Officer 2000-2003
District 2 Commander 2002
District 2 1st Vice Commander 2001
Post Commander 2000-2002
Post 1st Vice Commander 2000
Post 2nd Vice Commander 1998
Post-Sgt-at-Arms 1997
Served on the following national committees and sub-committees:
Distinguish Guests
Veteran Affairs and Rehabilitation
Economic Matters
Employment and Veterans Preference
Claims and Ratings
Hospital and Medical Services
Additionally, serves as the Board of Directors Chairman for the Nevada Boys State program, The National Representative for VA Voluntary Service program and represents The American Legion as a member of the Commanders Advisory group at the VA Hospital.
Robert Jagemann:
District Judge Advocate 2009-2010
Vice-Chair, National Distinguished Guests Committee, 2009-2010
Department of Nevada Legislative Committee, 2012-2014
National American Legion Press Association [NALPA], 2009-present
Member – Clark County School Board, Naming of District Facilities 2010 (Secured name for Veterans Tribute Career and Technical Academy)
Post 76 serves the western and northwestern area of Las Vegas, Nevada.
We hold General Meetings at 1:30 pm on the 3rd Sunday of most months at the:
The HUMANA GUIDANCE CENTER is  our new permanent POST HOME location where we can have General Meetings and allow us to display our flags and awards on a continuous basis. The location is at the intersection of West Craig and North Decatur in the Albertsons Center.

4830 W. Craig Road, Suite 130, Las Vegas, NV 89130
(702) 240-9622
Map it
(Just north of W. Cheyenne Ave.)
Every quarter we hold a social event in lieu of the General Meeting at different locations. Watch this website, our Facebook page [https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/American-Legion-Post-76-Las-Vegas/1379... or the quarterly newsletter for updates on special social events.
Executive Board Meetings on the second Thursday of the month at 4:30 pm are held at:
The Summerlin Trails Community Center
1910 Spring Gate Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89134
Post 76 supports NO VETERANS ALONE each Thursday, as we join the Nevada Patriot Guard, Women Veterans of Nevada and Vietnam Veterans of America, at the Southern Nevada Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery, to honor Veterans who are being buried by the County and have no relatives or friends to attend their funeral. Post 76 also supports Wreaths Across America.
Post 76 in cooperation with the Fleet Reserve Association and The Lakes Association sponsors a Memorial Day Observance including speakers, honor guards, ceremonial flag folding and terminating with the passing of a wreath from Veterans representing war eras from WWII to the present to JROTC commanders who then board a boat and place the wreath on the water.
The Post has sponsored Christmas parties for foster children from the Olive Crest organization, providing Christmas gifts, a light buffet, and pictures with Santa Claus to each of the children and their families and foster families.
Post 76 has a gun club where members, friends, and families get together to non-competitively shoot and socialize.
Legionnaires from Post 76 volunteer their time to support the Veterans Administration Voluntary Services, Nevada Veterans Foundation, Family Readiness Groups for local Reserve and National Guard Units, Veterans Service Fairs, Retiree Appreciation Days at Nellis AFB, Information Fair at Creech AFB, Boy Scout Merit Badge programs, and Boy Scout air rifle and safety training.
In 2009, Post 76, in the true spirit of Freedom, was honored to have debated and proposed an appropriate name to honor the only high school in Las Vegas and surrounding Clark County to be named for our local men & women serving in the armed forces, during all war periods; the Veterans Tribute Career & Technical Academy [VTCTA].
The Spirit of Freedom Post 76 proudly took a strong leadership position in 2010 to expedite the creation and development of a much needed, and long overdue, USO lounge for transiting service men & women to relax, meet with loved ones, and enjoy many creature comforts while traveling through Las Vegas' McCarran Airport
- See more at http://centennial.legion.org/nevada/post76?p=about#sthash.YVaKbf3w.dpuf
Post Commanders and Adjutants
Post 76  Las Vegas, NV, Nevada
May 1, 2013
Year Commander Adjutant
1994-1995 William Powers, Paul Kelly
1995-1997 Jerry Simpson, Paul Kelly & Ken Mason
1997-1999 Joe Folsom Casey Martin & John Rost
1999-2000 John O'Sullivan, John Rost & Jeffery Mills
2000-2001 Roy Funke & Jack Ford, John Rost
2001-2002 Jack Ford, John Rost
2002-2005 Torres Ramey John Rost
2005-2006 Harry Keneman John Rost
2006-2007 Torey Ramey John Rost
2007-2008 John Rost Paul Hemsley Sr.
2008-2009 Robert Jagemann Paul Hemsley Sr.
2009-2010 Robert Jagemann Paul Hemsley Sr.
2010-2011 John “Ted” Pugh, Jack Ford
2011-2012 John “Ted” Pugh, Jack Ford & Roger Henning PhD
2012-2013 Paul Hestand Roger Henning PhD
2013-2014 Joel Forman Roger Henning PhD
2014-2015 Joel Forman Stephen Daugherty

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